The Moth: Symbols of Transformation
As spring transitions to summer, I find the themes of rebirth and metamorphosis showing up in my personal and professional life, so decided to share my inspiration for the Hawk Moth charm.
“Moths have been viewed as symbols of transformation, death, and rebirth for centuries. In many cultures, moths are seen as sacred creatures that can help guide us through difficult transitions in our lives.”
I’m attracted to Moth imagery because the moth’s metamorphosis journey encourages us to face the inevitability of life’s transitions with fearlessness and hope.
Endings can be scary, but letting go of people, and situations where we no longer thrive, allows us to make room for greater opportunities and new spaces.
Once we let go of what we are clinging to out of fear, or comfort, we make room for optomism and we open up to the possibility that there are other opportunities for us which might actually be better.
Instead of fixating on “What am I going to lose?” “What am I giving up?”, the moth empowers us to push through the fear and be optomistic about what might be waiting for us on the other side once we let go.
A friend recently send me “hidden brain” podcast called “taking the leap” which expands on this theme of making choices which lead us into the world of the unknown.
I’ve added the link below if you want keep thinking about this topic.
”I'm takin' my new salvation
And I'm a build my own foundation,
Got motivation
I done found me a new foundation
I'm takin' my new salvation
And I'm a build my own foundation”